Tag: <span>Values</span>

‘Tis the season! It’s not just back-to-school and football. For high school seniors and their parents, it’s the kick-off to college application season. And practice is in full swing. The…

It was the most unlikely of friendships. Tall and thin, he stands about 6’4″– with an added inch or two from his hair. He’s 27 years old. Has more than…

“Who cares? I’m dead!” I poured three circles of olive oil into the heated pan, placed the bottle back onto the kitchen counter, and looked over at my husband who…

“I decided last night that I would double down.” This was the first line of an email I sent on November 10, 2016 to remind friends of an upcoming breakfast…

Does what we do shape what we believe? Or does what we believe shape what we do? I’ve spent my entire career in the investing world. It’s what I do.…

“So how was your vacation?” With my answer, everyday small talk turned to a lively discussion. I had just returned from an econ-tourism trip to Ethiopia. We visited private companies…

“I have those butterflies in my stomach again.” I smiled reading the last line of an email to my friend and mentor. The date stamp was August 2014. It took…

A friend asked to pick my brain. “If you were to design the perfect financial advice business, what offerings would it include that are not prevalent today?” I don’t think…

After 22 years, my life changes course. There’s a grin on my face and excitement in my belly as I share with family and friends my latest life decisions. The…