Tag: <span>Leadership</span>

Exhale. It was the most common word I saw on social media on January 20, 2021. I spent much of the day watching the Presidential Inauguration. I’d never had the…

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.”  –Simon Sinek Think about the last presentation you heard…

“We are all dealing with the collective loss of the world we knew. The world we knew is now gone forever.” David Kessler’s words stop me in my path. It’s…

“I truly thought we’d quietly sit the in back of a few classrooms and have lunch with the kids. I had no idea our visit would be the center of…

They say a picture tells a story. This picture continues one. In early 2018, I met William “Maasai Prince.” I got lucky—a journalist produced a feature story on him, a…

I’m frequently asked about my story, lessons learned and advice for making a transition. So in celebration of this five year anniversary, I’m sharing five learnings.

“There’s something I need to share with you about my younger sister.” When you get this text from a friend, you’re curious. When your friend lives a very different life…

“Did you find the event inspiring?” Last year, I left a non-profit event with a friend who asked me this question. As a founder of a non-profit that regularly hosts…

She returned to our room with an odd question. “Has anyone from the Club come to talk to you?”  The nine of us—strangers who knew each other only through brief…

‘Tis the season! It’s not just back-to-school and football. For high school seniors and their parents, it’s the kick-off to college application season. And practice is in full swing. The…